Inspired by the – dare I say overwhelming – response I received to my HBR article, “How to Deal with Constantly Feeling Overwhelmed,” I am currently doing some quantitative research on the topic of Overwhelm at Work.

To be sure, the pace and volume of work is ever-increasing and for some, it is unrelenting. The pandemic only exacerbated this pre-existing condition. The goal of my research is to better understand the inner drivers that contribute to feelings of overwhelm and affect our ability to manage it effectively or pre-empt it from occurring. Your answers to the survey will contribute to a body of research to develop a deeper understanding of this topic.

The data will be analyzed and stored in a completely confidential manner. No personally identifiable information will be retained with the dataset.  Only aggregated data and high-level themes will be shared with the aim of helping working professionals to more effectively manage feelings of overwhelm at work.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey!
